Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012


VALS (Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles) is a research method used for segment under psychographic segmentation. VALS was developed in 1978 by Arnold Mitchell.
Mitchell used statistics to identify demographic questions that helped categorize adult American consumers into one of nine lifestyle types:
1.       Survivors (4%)
2.      Sustainers (7%)
3.      Belongers (35%)
4.      Emulators (9%)
5.      Achievers (22%)
6.      I-am-me (5%)
7.      Experiential (7%)
8.      Societal conscious (9%)
9.      Integrated (2%)

VALS divided into horizontal and vertical dimension. The vertical dimension segments people based income, education, self-confidence, intelligence, leadership skills, and energy. The horizontal dimension segments people based on ideals (Thinker and Believers), achievement (Achievers and Strivers) and self-expression (Experiences and Makers).
  • Innovator - Self-orientations, image is important to them as an expression of taste, independence, and character.
  • Thinkers - Consumers who are motivated by ideals. Mature, responsible, well-educated professionals and rational decision makers.
  • Believers - Consumer who are motivated by ideals. They are conservative and predictable consumers who favor American products and established brands.
  • Achievers - Consumers who are motivated by achievement. They are successful work-oriented people who get their satisfaction from their jobs and families. They respect authority and the status quo.
  • Strivers - Consumers who are motivated by achievements. They have values very similar to achievers but have fewer economic, social, and psychological resources.
  • Experiencers - Consumers who are motivated by self-expression. They are the youngest of all the segments, with an average age of 25
  • Makers -Consumers who are motivated by self-expression. They are focused on the familiar-family, work, and physical recreation-and have little interest in the broader world. As consumers, they appreciate practical and functional products.
  • Survivors - They are the oldest of all the segments, with an average age of 61, tend to be brand-loyal consumers.

To take VALS test -

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